Please read these instructions carefully before submiting the booking form.
The FSN Campsite is conveniently located on the circuit premises on walking distance from the pit garages and other facilities. Facilities such as power outlets and sanitary facilities such as toilets, showers and a dishwashing table are provided by the event organization and are included in the campsite fee. There is no WiFi/WLAN network available on the campsite.
The pitch size is 10m x 10m and may accomodate up to a maximum of 15 persons. Subsequently, teams can book additional pitches of 10m x 10m for an additional 15 team members for €1200,- per pitch, including VAT. There is no limit on the amount of pitches. Each team is required to book at least 1 pitch per 15 team members. The amount of team members on the campsite booking form must match the amount of persons registered on the TMRF.
This guideline is strictly monitored by the fire department and random checks may occur.
Pitches are randomly designated to teams after booking. There is no first-come-first-serve.
For detailed campsite rules, please see the competition handbook.